The number is the symbol that expresses the relationship of our life and our mind with nature, our existence and our possibilities and powers that in a way are dependent on them. The numerical vibration thus establishes a relationship between man and the universe. One of the most important numbers is the number of birth, which powerfully influences throughout life.
This is a very simple operation, just add all the numbers that make up the birth date, and add the numbers of the result, until a single number between one and nine. An example: we want to find the birth number which corresponds to a person born on December 23, 1974.
We will add the individual numbers of the date of birth (12/23/1974): 1 +2 +2 +3 +1 +9 +7 +4 = 29. Then add the two numbers that make up this last figure: 2 +9 = 11. Now we will add the two numbers of the result to achieve a single digit: 1 +1 = 2. This is the birth number, 2.
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