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XV. The Devil

The economy will be a bit stagnant at the beginning of the year, but you may solve the lack of money with some extra job until the situation improves. Gradually the economic outlook will begin to improve and income will increase. It will be necessary to start saving to be able to invest later on into something important. During your trip a plan will resurface and you will have the opportunity to know new and very positive people that will give you propositions of investments or loans and that will allow you to take a chance that will help to improve your economy. You will start to enjoy a good income but you must avoid excessive spending and uncontrollable managing of your money. Avoid giving loads without the right evaluation because you risk losing out. You will be tempted to gambling or partying that will not leave anything positive but only unnecessary waste of money. Invest some money that you obtain on material goods or on remodeling your home.

I. The magician

Those who are going through bad economic times by lack of income should not become anxious, because the chances of a good job or making a project are very close and will change this situation. Those who maintain a steady income will see positive changes or will have a project soon, that will change their situation Those who maintain a steady income will see positive changes in their economic status thanks to the appearance of a person whose proposition will increase their income. The transformative power of the magician will make a great change in the reality your life. There should be care about not wasting money because fluctuations may arise, that will be overcome if you save money and manage your income wisely. Some side jobs will help extra expenses. Will be able to put an end to old labor cases that will bring in extra money and allow you to make that trip you have been procrastinating. Do not become anxious, instead focus on your interests and economic success will come. Enjoy all the economic recognition that this year has in store.

XIIII. Temperance

Progress at the labor level will bring you many economic benefits. It is important to take care of income and not to waste money because at any given moment you will have to use it on something important. You should avoid any type of temptations and take absolutely no risks because you have been obtaining with much effort. You should not risk your losing your money on gambling even though you may feel confident about winning. Some people may come into your life that may propose some unclear investment, so evaluate the situation before making any decision. Some of those people may risk losing everything and fall more into debt. Family businesses are a good choice for benefits and making large profits. It is not the right time to lend money because there may be many inconveniences in recovering it. Lend help in a different way that is not by lending money. You should plan your domestic economy very well with ideas in strategies of administration that will be very helpful later on. That way you avoid compulsive spending that you will later regret.


Daily HoroscopeTuesday, September 17, 2024

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