The good economic revenues from investments or increase in assets, will allow you to restore economic stability that both of you have been expecting. Manage your money in a calm manner and save money, because at some point you will have the opportunity to invest in new enterprises. The growth of your money will allow you to make changes or renovations to your home, as well as to take the trip with the family, that has been long postponed. You will feel materially satisfied, but do not abuse this situation and control your spending. It is very important to properly administer the resources in order to obtain the most profits. Do not let yourselves be tempted by ideal investments that will only cause you to lose money. Evaluate the real usefulness of every investment or asset and remember that the money obtain has been because of your effort; it is important for you not to waste it. Enjoy this year of economic success that will surpass your expectations.
XVIII. The Moon
During the beginning of the year, the economy will not be very good because of the work recession. Take care of the savings accounts that you worked to keep and do not risk in making any investment since you may be tempted by someone close to you that may make a bad move that could lead you to bankruptcy. Remember that you run the risk of meeting very interested people, or they may appear hidden enemies, so maintain some distrust. It will be necessary to ask for advice of people that are trustworthy before making a decision. To increase your income, it will be convenient for you to look for an alternative activity that will gradually let you stabilize your family’s economy. The profit from labor will allow paying off acquired debts and plan certain things that you want to do that have been put off due to procrastinating. Making a trip that had been put off for so long will give you strength to go on. Organizing reunions with close friends will allow you to share good times and to develop your optimism.
XXI. The World
It will be a year of great financial gain, which will allow you to make new and constant investments. You will have the opportunity to make trips and enjoy economic progress that will allow you to acquire new goods, move to a different home or to purchase a new one. In general, the investments will offer great rewards and you will also acquire from abroad. You should be careful because your economic power can attract people that are interested only for your money and for that it will be necessary that you evaluate who may be your true friends and start getting away from those that may be harmful. Remember that success is in your favor but a bad move can make you lose part of what you have acquired. It is necessary to pay attention to your intuition to stay away from those who will try to make a dangerous proposition of investment; it may not alter your finances much but it may bring you plenty of headaches.
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