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Leo Daily Horoscope

Saturday, January 18, 2025
Daily horoscope Leo
july 23 - aug 22

Horoscope Leo today:

Good moment investments and to start up delayed projects. It look for new partners, is not discouraged easily, persevere. With Scorpio very good affective and labor moment, joint projects. Acknowledge the fullness of the Creation in them. Self-knowledgement is the fundamental stone, the necessary foundation of construction of your life. You have a vehement understanding that marks the way to you, call it perception, call it mental miracle, as you wish, but it is your mental power to decide the correct sentence and to let grow your abundance in the chosen way, the right path. ?Your future is happening while you take care of other things?, said John Lennon
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Daily HoroscopeSaturday, January 18, 2025

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