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Chinese Horoscope: The Monkey

These natives are full of energy, they are lovely and they are very fun. They keep moving all the time. Versatile and a bit naughty, they have a very agile mind and they are very intelligent. They love improvising and following their instincts; this is due to their creative nature that is accompanied by their …

Chinese Horoscope: The Tiger

These people born under the year of the Tiger have a special sense of leadership and they are very good to give orders. In fact, they tend to be in a bad mood if they cannot control things. They are lovely people and they usually call the attention of other people. They make sure they …

Astrological House Number 6

The sixth astrological house is the second house of the earth in the growing order of the Zodiac. The first house of the earth was in the second house, where we started stabilizing our value as different beings. We have started feeling that we are different from the “All” in the first house. It is …

Chinese Horoscope: The Rat

It is a very intelligent and attractive sign. They are generous people and very fun. With a lot of imagination and very creative, they are always full of energy. They know how to keep things moving and they are always thinking and planning the next step. Its capacity to organize is amazing and they are …

Reading of the Tarot: Cross Reading

In the first place, people have to establish the due psychic connections between the interpreter and the person who wants the reading. The interpreter of the Tarot will need to project himself to the psychic part of the person who wants the reading; this will allow him to explore the unconscious and get closer to …

Love in the Zodiac

Astrology studies the influence of the planets in our lives and, it is a fact that planets really have influence on us and this influence can tell a lot about our personality and the way in which we act. One of the aspects that can be known through astrology and the Zodiac are the reactions …

Home Spiritual Cleaning

If you want to make a spiritual cleaning at home or in your workplace, you need to know that there are several different ways in which you can do so, according to your spiritual believes. Amongst these options, you can find the usages of the talismans as quartz crystals that can eliminate and avoid the …

Kinds of Horoscopes in the World

Around the world, we find a huge variety of cultures inside which a different meaning is given to a lot of issues of life and that, besides, these issues are being transmitted from generation to generation; the horoscopes have an interpretation according to the astrological signs that are influenced by their religious believes. Get to …

Advantages of the Weekly predictions

If you have chosen or you feel attracted by the option of the weekly horoscopes, you need to know that this is an excellent alternative to get to know the predictions that the stars offer for each of the signs of the Zodiac. If you want to know more about this alternative, here I will …

What are the Arcana of the Tarot?

When talking about the Tarot and look for a way to understand it, it is essential to mention the issue of the Arcana. There are very important groups in which the deck is divided and they are known as the Major and the Minor Arcana. In this way, in the Tarot we can find 78 …