Libra Weekly Horoscope
From January 13 to 19, 2025
Libra Love:
Love lack of understanding, possible discussions and disagreements. Do not conflict yourself too much and appeal to your good heart, if the intentions of both are good, very often it is only a matter of words. Leave for another day the resolution of this problem and will see that the waters will be tamed. Singles they will count today on major opportunities to make specific a union, to find love or your life or to begin a romance. Gratefulness is a happy way to stimulate your own self-esteem, your inner happiness and your power to go forward in the chosen way. You will have very intense intimate moments, you must beware, if are not preparations leg to have a son.
Some breathing problems that if do not take care of correctly can force it to remain in bed, can also cause labor delays to you. Keep yourself healthful and give to it utmost attention to its health. The necessary energy stops to be healthful owns and abundance amusingly, without effort, naturally. You must reach the necessary attention, the spiritual power to you allows to be present and wide-awake, to be able to take advantage of the coincidences, those unexpected miracles, those chances that some call and others synchrodestiny, simply, good luck… Use the Law of Attraction to recreate your destiny, day to day, in the attainment of the health, the vital energy and happiness that needs.
Libra WORK:
If one is tired of so many problems resorts to external aid to solve them, learn to delegate. The great transcendental wisdom that his being accumulates he notices without it, and the magic of the existence through exceptional and very pretty experiences, will be your gift of the Universal if he has the FIAR confidence in your Instincts of internal growth, choosing right time for the change and the right way. The inspiration, the destiny, the good luck, all exist, but they must find it working, doing what you do want and kind to the signals of change and opportunity. The law practice to give and to receive, giving what more you want.
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